
Mixed Martial Aikido - Basic Alive Striking Drills for Aikidoka (Boxing Ma-ai)

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Here is one way to begin introducing aliveness at a very low level of resistance into your Aikido training. Mixed Martial Aikido - The art of fighting without fighting! It is very important to notice (and feel) the distinction between a wider Aikido Ma-ai and Boxing Ma-ai where we are right within striking range. The safest place to be is either outside of striking range waiting for the attacker to lose their center with an over-committed attack - or tied up in the clinch. Use a basic boxing defense and Rodney King's Crazy Monkey Defense to build confidence in defending against alive strikes. Practice mindfulness by using your breath to relax (no wincing!) and stay present while incrementally increasing the intensity until you can stay mentally and emotionally still in the face of full contact attacks (the eye of the hurricane). This is an important practice for your mental game (stress inoculation/raising the "fight or flight" threshold).

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